
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to: Plyojacks

Here's a video showing you how to do Plyojacks. They are just a slow squatting jumping jack, or a plyometric jumping jack. Tone those thighs and glutes, and get that cardio in the right way!!

How to: hitch kicks

Here's a video on how to do hitch kicks. Get that cardio and tone those legs!
Get at it!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to: donkey kicks

How to do donkey kicks. There are also 2 ways to do these, the 2nd is my preferred. Get that perfect butt you want!!

How to: swimmers

Here's how to do swimmers, 2 different ways. You can choose which way you like better!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to: do a twisting plank

One of my favorite moves. You wanna make sure your really feeling that crunch when you twist your knee. Stay in a strong plank. This move is not about quickness

How to: do a diagonal knee squash

So I received some comments about not knowing how to do a few of the exercises in my 25 minute workout, so I thought I'd post videos for some of the more confusing or unknown exercises. Here is the first one. Keep checking back for the rest!! Any more questions, please let me know!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fall Couscous (The food so nice they named it twice)

Seeing as we're getting to the end of the season, I thought I should put up my "Fall Couscous" recipe.  I started getting into couscous (quinoa works well too, if you want a little extra nutrients and health benefits) when I started eating healthier.  It's a good way to get some starchy healthy carbs, but it's lighter than pasta.  There are different kinds of couscous, I stay away from the instant, boxed couscous.  I like to go to my Whole Food's bulk section and get couscous there.  There's French Couscous and Israeli Couscous.  Not only do they look different, but they cook differently and taste differently.  Israeli couscous is larger, and cooks up more like a risotto.  French couscous stays the same size (for the most part) when you cook it.  You can choose whichever couscous you'd like for this recipe, it works with both, although I will tell you, french couscous has just a little less calories. 

So, I call this my "Fall Couscous" because I use butternut squash in it.  The thing I love about couscous is that you can use anything you want in it!  I've made it with green peppers, chickpeas, peas, etc.  For this recipe, I use butternut squash, edamame and corn.  Now, you'll remember that I don't "measure" so I am going to try and measure everything out for you as best I can, but always remember you are free to put as much of or little of anything as you like.  

2 cups of couscous 
1 med-large butternut squash cubed

About a cup and a half of edamame.  If you can find ready to eat edamame in you're grocer's prepared foods section, then awesome, if not, a frozen bag is just as good.
1 cup of corn (about 2-3 cobs) Same as the edamame, when I can, I like to use fresh corn on the cob, if it's not available, a frozen bag will do.  (You can also make your own "fresh" frozen veggies, but that's for another blog post!)
Half an onion - or so, depending on how much you like onion - it's really just a flavor base
Garlic  again, up to you.  I LOOVE garlic, so I'll use 4-5 cloves.  This is also just a flavor base
3-4 cups of broth/stock - most people use water to cook couscous, stock brings so much more flavor.  I use chicken stock, however if you are vegetarian or vegan vegetable stock will work perfectlyThe differences between the 2 couscous call for slightly different cooking techniques, but the ratio for both types is about 1:2 (1 cup couscous, 2 cups liquid - I usually use just a little less)

Start by roasting the butternut squash.  Lay the cubes on a baking sheet in a single layer.  Drizzle with olive oil and toss with salt, pepper and freshly grated nutmeg (always freshly grated).  Bake at 450 for about 40-45 minutes.
Meanwhile, sweat the onions out in some olive oil. Then add the garlic and cook until fragrant. If you're using frozen veggies, cook them per the instructions on the bag.  If you're using fresh corn on the cob, cut the kernals off the cob and boil them for a few minutes.
When the squash is done toss it in the pan with the onions and garlic for a few minutes.  Then add the corn and edamame.  (If you're looking for a yummy side dish without carbs, stop here! This is delicious on it's own!)
If you're using french couscous, you want to bring the stock to a boil, then pour it into a separate dish with the couscous and cover with plastic wrap for about 5-10 minutes until water is absorbed.  If you're using israeli couscous, bring the stock to a boil, add in the couscous and boil just like pasta, about 8-10 minutes and drain.
Put all the ingredients together and mix.  Drizzle the top with a little olive oil to finish.

There you have it! A delicious, healthy side dish, or sometimes I even eat it as my lunch/snack!  Like I said before, couscous is wonderful because you can put anything in it you like, so feel free to mix it up!


25 Minute Workout (Repeat 2x for best results)

Everyone today is always so busy, I always hear people saying they don't have time to work out.  Well I'm here to tell you that is not true.  You always have time to work out.  Like I've said before, something is better than nothing.
That being said, I wanted to create a workout to get your heart rate up high, blast fat, rocket your metabolism and strengthen and tone.  This is a workout where you can do all that in 25 minutes.  I think it's best to workout for at least an hour a day, so ideally this should be repeated twice, but it is still a great 25 minute workout if you're short on time one day.

So let's dive right in!

High Intensity – each for 30 seconds

Jump squats
Diagonal knee squash
Mountain Climbers

Rest 1 minute

Strengthening – each for 45 seconds

Twisting plank
Straight leg sit ups
Tricep dips
Donkey kicks
Squat side to side

Low Intensity – 1 minute each

Jumping jacks
1 legged 4 point hop (30 seconds each leg)
Butt kicks
Jump rope
Side kicks
Squat punches

Strengthening – each for 45 seconds

Side planks each side

Rest 30 seconds

High Intensity – each for 30 seconds

High knees
Jump lunges

Rest for 3 minutes

I've told you before about my GymBoss (for iPhone) app before.  That's what I use for my timed workouts like this one.  (I used to use HIIT on Android if you're interested.)  I love both these apps, you can set different rounds at different time settings, adding in rests etc., so it just counts down your workout for you and all you have to think about it working hard!  Any questions or comments on any of the moves in here, feel free to comment.  Also, if you need any modifications for injuries, etc., please ask and I will give you some!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

My "Getting over a cold" workout

Well I've been sick for about a week now, with the worst of it last week.  I am grateful to have had my burpee challenge while being sick because it meant I was able to get up and move a little even though I couldn't do a full workout.  I was in the early 20's of my burpee challenge while I was sick so I would do 5-10 at a time about every hour or so, just to get my daily burpees in.  I am starting to feel a lot better, still not 100%, however.  So when I woke up today I thought I'd try to get in a small workout while I do my burpees.  Today was day 27 of my challenge, and as I get further in my challenge I'm trying to find creative ways to get my burpees in.  One quick easy way I have found of getting the burpees in is to do a Tabata.  A real quick explanation for those who don't know what a Tabata is: 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, 8 rounds.  So I do 1 round of burpees, and today I did 1 round of standing glute kicks.  I can get in 5 burpees in 20 seconds, so with 1 Tabata I can get in 20 burpees, and 1 Tabata is 5 minutes.  
Ok, so onto my workout.  Here is what I did today.

Tabata 1: Burpees and standing glute kicks.
Tabata 2: crunches and "table" glute kicks.
The other 7 burpees I needed (for day 27).
50 - inner and outer thigh raises (50 each, on each leg)
20 - inner thigh squats with ball
2 round of planks
20 - calf raises
10 - lunges to side with weight

Tabata 1: Burpees and standing glute kicks.
Round 1: 5 burpees
Round 2: Standing glute kicks right leg
Round 3: 5 burpees
Round 4: Standing glute kicks left leg
Repeat that for the next 4 rounds.

Tabata 2: Crunches and "table" glute kicks
I switched up the crunches here every round.  First I did normal crunches, then I did straight-leg crunches, then bicycle crunches (be alert of your form here!) then crunches with your legs straight up. "Table" glute kicks is my term for glute kicks on all 4's.  When your in table position on your hands and knees, raise your leg up bent so your glute is in line with your back, and raise it up.  Don't lower it past your back. 

Then I did the other 7 burpees I needed to bring my heart rate back up a little.

Inner and outer thigh raises:
Lay on your side, propped up on your elbow.  Bring your top leg all the way out in front of you and raise it up and down - 50 times.  Then bring your top leg bent in front of your bottom leg and raise your bottom leg - 50 times.  Repeat on other side.

Inner thigh squats with ball: 
Put the ball between your legs at your knees, squeeze as tight as possible.  Then do a 5 count squat.  Down for 2 counts, pause for 1, up for 2 counts.  10-20 reps. 

Planks: 2 rounds, 3 planks each. 
Side planks, and a plank on your forearms.  For the second round, if you'd like, switch up your planks a little.  Some variations can include: moving your hips up and down; bringing your top leg straight out in front and grab it with your arm; bend your top leg to bring your knee to your elbow (to crunch your obliques) or any other variations you like.

Calf raises:
There are plenty of ways to do calf raises, my favorite is simple toe raises.  Hold 5-10lb weights (depending on what you have access to)  in each hand down at your sides and stand up onto your tippy toes.  Lower back down, not all the way to keep that contraction and raise back up again - 20 times.  Then when I get to the 20th rep, I hold on my tippy toes for 20 counts.

Lunges to side:
This is probably my favorite workout.  It's an all over body workout, and gets your heart rate up a little.
You can do this without a weight if you're a beginner, but I highly suggest using even a 3 or 5lb weight.  I like 8-10lb.  You don't want to go too high with your weights, though.
Start out with your legs in a wide stance, weight in your right hand, you're going to lunge to the left and bring the weight down to your left ankle, stand back up and at the same time, bring your arm with the weight up into a "half V" and bring your right leg out to the side.  Repeat 10-15 times on that leg, then switch sides.
I love this workout because you're working your legs and glutes in your squat, you're getting a little work in your arms with the weight, and when you bring your leg out to the side you work your outer thighs, glutes and obliques.  And since your using a weight, and doing higher reps you get your heart rate up a little, which is always good.

That workout only took me about 15-20 minutes.  It wasn't as intense as I usually might like, but considering I'm not feeling 100% yet it was a good all over workout, that got my heart rate up a little too.  I always say, something is better than nothing.  Even if you only have 10 minutes to work out, then that's fine.  It's better than not doing anything.   

A quick little side note:  There are apps out there where you can create workouts and timers.  I have an iPhone, and I use an app called GymBoss Interval Timer.  I can set a timer for my Tabata for example.  I do a 10 second warm up, to get ready, then 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest and repeat that for 8 rounds.  And in between each round, it sets off a timer so you don't have to keep a look at your watch.  You can set as many as you want, I also have one for my planks for instance.  30 seconds, with 5 seconds so I can switch to the next side, and I do 6 rounds.   I pretty much have a timer for every workout I've made up.  I also had one on my Android, I forget what it was called, but there are plenty of interval timers out there.